Lisa hand got closer and nearer to my crotch until she was barley brushing it as she spoke. Seeing when I would not make any proceed to stop her, Lisa’s hand went under my gown and started operating down and up my inner thigh. I happened to be somewhat shocked, perhaps perhaps maybe not anything that is expecting take place therefore quickly, but I didn’t protest. It was actually turning me in.
Instinctively starting my legs only a little wider as she got nearer to my pussy, Lisa’s hand finally had more access and reached my underwear where she gently rub against my clitoris. The expectation and waiting made me gasp just a little once she did touch me which made Lisa pause for an instant.
Quietly she asked me “Is this ok? We don’t want to get you to uncomfortable. ”
We quickly shared with her “Oh it fine, I’m fine… simply not utilized to it… But it seems good. Continue reading